Full description
Founded in 1966, Cohiba was named for the word used by the island’s indigenous peoples, the Taino Indians, to describe the bunched leaves that they smoked in their religious ceremonies, with the brand itself achieving a similarly revered status in the cigar world and only being available to Cuban President, Fidel Castro, and those whom he had gifted Cohiba cigars to. From 1982 however, the brand was commercially launched and swiftly garnered an adoring fanbase across the world due to the immense pedigree of tobacco used to produce every vitola.
At long last, the tremendous ninth Edicion Limitada release from Cuba’s flagship cigar brand has finally arrived! Originally intended to be released in 2021, the Cohiba Aniversario 55 was created to celebrate the landmark 55th anniversary of Cuba’s formerly best kept secret.
Presented as a unique vitola in the Habanos portfolio, the Aniversario 55 is known as a “Victoria” in the factories of Cuba and clocks in at a whopping 5 7/8” (150mm) x 57 ring gauge, making it the second chunkiest Edicion Limitada vitola ever produced behind 2014’s legendary and beloved Cohiba Robusto Supremos!
Sure to please enthusiasts of the brand and cigar collectors alive, the Cohiba Aniversario 55 will be arriving on our shores in exquisitely detailed and varnished boîte nature boxes of ten cigars, each featuring an Edicion Limitada 2021 band and an additional Aniversario 55 foot band!
Check out our Cohiba page for a full list of Cohiba cigars.