The Average Cost Of A Partagas Cigar
Smoking cigars can be an ever-growingly expensive pastime, with annual increases to Duty and Tax pushing the costs ever higher year on year. One of the questions we’re most frequently asked by newcomers to the wonderful world of cigars is of course in relation to where the best value lies when making purchases and which stogies would give them the most bang for their buck, and with the legendary Partagas brand this is fairly easy to quantify in a small sample of averages across the various sizes on offer. Also, it is interesting to note that when combining the overall average price of all vitolas in the brand, it results in a far less nebulous average price than we found in our “Average Cost of a Montecristo Cigar” guide, where calculating the average of all Partagas prices gives us a figure of £29.15 (rounded for convenience), which is less than £1 over the cost of a Partagas Serie D No. 4, one of the world’s best selling cigars in recorded history and a vitola we’d often recommend to newcomers to the brand as the most ideal way to experience the powerful, masterfully blended flavour profile of a Partagas cigar.
However, if a strong Robusto seems too foreboding to try, or if you’re looking to broach into bigger sticks still, we’ll once again be breaking down the options available into a series of averages!
The Coronas
For our first average, we’ll be looking at the magnificent Corona sized vitolas of the Partagas stable, namely the Petit Coronas Especiales, Capitols and Shorts. The combined average price of these sticks at today’s pricing (as of May 2022) works out at £18.05, which sits just higher than the cost of a Petit Coronas Especiales (£17.60), which is in our opinion the best entry you could sample from Partgas’ roster of longer, more slender vitolas. However, if you’d prefer something in a slightly smaller size, the Partagas Short is always an incredible choice, clocking in at £16.70
Next up, we’ll take a look at the world’s current most popular vitola style:
The Robustos
Most of Partagas’ Robusto options are contained within their ‘Alphabet’ series, and take the form of a full sized Robusto in the Serie D No. 4, and a pair of more succinct vitolas in the Serie D No. 5 and Serie D No. 6 which bear the same ring gauge as their larger sibling. This is obviously a very easy average to calculate, with the average sitting in between the pricing of the Serie D No. 5 and No. 6 at £25.15, though erring closer to the price of the Serie D No. 5, making either of these sticks a great option for your money, with the choice to be made hinging entirely on whether you’d prefer a stick closer to the size of a full length robusto with the Serie D No. 5 or something quicker and more easily tackled like the No. 6!
Keeping with the theme of growing in size, we’ll move ahead and take a gander at:
The Large Vitolas
Going even larger than the aforementioned robustos brings us to one of the most beloved cigars ever produced by Partagas, teamed up with some more recent entries to the brand’s roster of offerings which have been met with heapings of praise and acclaim from those in the industry and consumers themselves, namely the Partagas Lusitanias, Serie P No. 2 and Serie E No. 2. Working out at an average of £39.10 between the three vitolas, the closest vitola to this average is the most recently added to Partagas’ legendary ‘Alphabet’ series, the Serie E No. 2 at £40.70, a stick we’d always highly recommend thanks to its wider ring gauge offering a much more cooling smoke, which helps to temper the intensity of Partagas’ well renowned potent blend of tobaccos, while still providing all the same bold delivery of flavour that you would find present across the rest of the brand’s offerings!
Which brings us to the final section of the averages, a very recently added range of stogies to Partagas’ arsenal, namely:
The Maduros
Partagas’ Linea Maduro range was formed from a relatively humble beginning, with the release of the Partagas Maduro No. 1 in 2015 as a Habanos Specialist Exclusive, eventually growing into a tremendous trio of Maduro vitolas with the release of the Maduro No. 2 and Maduro No. 3 following swiftly behind in 2018. In terms of price, the Linea Maduro range all fall into a price bracket with only £3 of difference from the cheapest to most expensive vitola, with an average of the three working out at £30.75, which is only 15 pence more expensive than the phenomenal Partagas Maduro No. 2, however, with the absolute scarcity of the Maduro No.2 due to their incredible popularity, we’d highly recommend trying the Maduro No. 1 (clocking in at £29.10) as the best pick for sampling the rich, delicious wonders of Partagas’ Linea Maduro range!
Smoking cigars can be a pricey hobby, so we hope that with the above advice you can put your money in the right place and subsequently maximise your smoking experience.
And as always, thanks for reading!